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A short novel from google bard.

 To experience Gemini Pro in Bard, I added a prompt as below. 

Bard answered as below and even I can hear the voice too. 

The image shows a woman in a yellow dress sitting on a wooden staircase. She is looking directly at the camera with a smile on her face. Her dress is flowing and elegant, and it contrasts beautifully with the dark wood of the stairs. The woman's hair is long and flowing, and it is pulled back in a loose bun. She is wearing a pair of sunglasses, which adds a touch of glamour to her look.

The image could be taken in a variety of settings, such as a city park, a public building, or even her own home. However, the fact that she is sitting on stairs suggests that she is in a public place. The woman's relaxed posture and confident expression suggest that she is comfortable in her surroundings.

Overall, the image is a simple but elegant portrait of a woman in a yellow dress. The woman's smile and direct gaze make her seem approachable and friendly. The image is also visually appealing, thanks to the contrast between the woman's yellow dress and the dark wood of the stairs.

 So, I added an extra prompt about the image as below.

And here goes a new short novel from Bard. Amazing

The Woman in Yellow

Sunlight streamed through the dusty window, painting the worn wooden stairs in a golden glow. There, bathed in the warm light, sat a woman, a vision in a vibrant yellow dress. Her hair, the color of burnished copper, cascaded down her back, framing a face that was as captivating as the sunrise.

Her name was Anya, and her life was as colorful and unpredictable as the dress she wore. She was a nomad, a wanderer with no fixed home, traveling the world with little more than the clothes on her back and the stories in her heart.

Anya had been born under a wandering star, it seemed. Her parents were traveling musicians, their lives a constant melody of different towns and faces. They instilled in her a love for adventure and a yearning for the unknown, teaching her to find beauty in the simplest things, from the way sunlight danced on water to the rhythm of the wind in the trees.

When she came of age, Anya left her parents' caravan and embarked on her own journey. She traveled far and wide, leaving a trail of curiosity and wonder in her wake. She met a cast of characters as diverse as the landscapes she traversed: wise old monks in hidden temples, flamboyant artists in bustling cities, and silent shepherds tending their flocks under starlit skies.

Each encounter, each story, added a brushstroke to the tapestry of Anya's life. She learned to speak the language of the wind, to read the secrets hidden in the stars, and to heal the wounds of both body and soul.

One day, her travels brought her to a small village nestled in the heart of a sprawling valley. The villagers were simple folk, their lives governed by the rhythm of the seasons. They welcomed Anya with open arms, drawn to her warmth and the stories that danced in her eyes.

Anya, in turn, found a sense of belonging she had never known before. She taught the children ancient songs and folktales, shared her knowledge of herbs and healing remedies, and helped the villagers with their daily tasks.

But Anya knew she could not stay forever. The wind still called to her, the road beckoned. With a heavy heart, she said her goodbyes and once again set off on her journey, leaving behind a village forever changed by the woman in the yellow dress.

Years passed. Anya's hair grew silver, her face etched with the lines of a life well-lived. Yet, her eyes still held the same spark of wonder, her smile the same capacity for warmth.

One day, she found herself back at the foot of the wooden stairs bathed in sunlight. The village had grown, children had turned into adults, but the essence of the place remained the same.

As she climbed the stairs, she felt a sense of completeness. She had lived a life full of joy, sorrow, love, and loss. She had seen the world in all its glory and embraced its every challenge.

The woman in yellow sat down, the sun casting a halo around her hair. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the scent of the earth filling her lungs. A smile touched her lips as she whispered, "Thank you, life, for the journey."

And with that, the woman in yellow dress closed her eyes for the last time, leaving behind a legacy etched not in stone or words, but in the hearts of all who had encountered her, a testament to the beauty and wonder of a life lived fully.

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